Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Coffee Culture in Melbourne- Louise Chang

Story/experience by Louise Chang (Our fellow classmate who is Malaysian) who is from Kuala Lumpur, capital city of Malaysia!

The coffee culture in Melbourne is HUGE! So when ordering your coffee, you have to be very specific. Educated yourself via this helpful diagram before you make a fool or yourself! Personally, I dislike foam, so my usual coffee would be flat white. Also, don't take an espresso shot if it's your first time drinking coffee! You'll die!

Luckily for me, my sister was around to teach me. But I used to work in a restaurant and a lot of foreigners would come in and order coffee but not know exactly what type they wanted. Many of my Malaysian friends have encountered the same problem, which is kind of funny. The main problem is that many Australian waiters don't know how to explain to foreigners that they serve specific types of coffee rather than just "normal" coffee with milk and sugar. To Australians it's normal, but to us Malaysians, we only have Nescafe and kopi-o. Haha

Thanks for her contribution!
**I faced the same problem before when I first arrived in Melbourne. I order the wrong coffee once. Kinda funny~

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